Retina Soft Retina Soft Retina Soft Retina Soft

Affiliations & Partnership with Multitude of Local & Foreign Companies.

Retina Soft Services

Our Development Services

Our company offers a comprehensive array of web development services to assist individuals & businesses through software, mobile apps, and website development.

Software Development

Personalized Software Solution

We provide all sorts of business software and personalized software that meets all your requirements.

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Website Development

Websites for your Online Presence

We build all types of websites for our clients, be it for personal use or for businesses. Our services include planning, designing, development, and maintenance of websites.

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Mobile App Development

Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

We create all kinds of mobile apps for platforms including iOS, Android and Windows.

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UI/UX for Mobile and Web Applications

UI/UX for Mobile Apps and Web Applications

We specialize in the creation of web and mobile applications to produce the best user experience for your visitors.

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Retina Soft Software

Our Software Solutions

We offer various software solutions to take the load off of your business operations. You can start using your desired software right away.

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It is an accounting software that is suitable for businesses of all sizes including double-entry transactions.

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Surveil Salesnew Retina Soft

This is a software and mobile app designed for sales automation and monitoring the sales employees in the pharmaceutical industry.

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Surveil HR - Payroll

Our Human Resource & Payroll Management system includes GEO-based attendance tracking and all modern employee management tools.

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Manage your beauty parlors and salons with the versatile features of our software to ensure smooth and efficient operations.

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Restaurant buddy

Manage your Fast Food and Restaurant order management and operations effectively with the latest features of our POS software and reduce your operations costs.

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iPOS, is a very user-friendly and efficient point of sale software for all kinds of shops, supermarkets and groceries stores.

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Retina Soft Digital

Our Digital Marketing Services

At Retina Soft Digital, we offer comprehensive Digital Marketing Assistance to help you enhance your brand's value.

Digital Marketing Strategy for business expansion

If you're looking to use digital channels to reach your target audience and achieve your marketing goals, a digital marketing strategy is what you need. Our team of experts can help you create a customized system for your business and industry. We'll keep it regularly updated to reflect changes in the market. We can help you with everything from setting goals to creating content to tracking results.

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Effectively engage your audience using creative content

In the current era of technology, it's essential for businesses to come up with innovative methods of captivating their audience. A great approach to achieving this is by producing and distributing imaginative content. This content can range from blog articles and infographics to videos and social media posts. When executed effectively, creative content can greatly benefit businesses by attracting and retaining customers.

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Promotional Landing Page That Converts

A promotional landing page is a webpage created to turn visitors into customers. It achieves this by conveying a clear and straightforward message about the product or service offered and providing an effortless way for visitors to take the intended action, such as registering for a free trial or purchasing. Several factors determine the success of a promotional landing page.Several factors contribute to a successful promotional landing page, including:

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Wonders of Innovative Graphic Design

Step into a world that blends creativity and strategy as we unveil the captivating realm of creative graphic design and its profound impact on your digital marketing efforts. Get ready to be drawn in as we explore the power of visual storytelling, where each brushstroke and pixel translates into narratives that resonate with your audience.

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Create Videos for more engagement

In today's dynamic digital marketing world, video is crucial for captivating your target audience and achieving your marketing objectives. As video consumption continues to rise, the demand for professional video editing services is at an all-time high.

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Mastering the Art of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing plays a pivotal role in raising brand value by leveraging the power of digital platforms to connect, engage, and influence target audiences. Through strategic social media campaigns, brands can build a strong online presence, foster meaningful relationships with their followers, and establish themselves as industry leaders.

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Make Your Content Search Engine Friendly

To enhance a website's visibility and ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs), Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is used. This involves various techniques and strategies that focus on optimizing the website's structure, content, and technical elements to increase its relevance and authority in the eyes of search engines.

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Implementing a strategic marketing campaign

A creative marketing campaign is a well-planned effort to attract and involve potential customers to promote a brand message or product/service. It consists in combining strategy, innovation, and artistic expression. Creative campaigns make a lasting impression on consumers by using persuasive storytelling, visually appealing graphics, and inventive marketing methods.

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Creative PPC Ads design

PPC advertising is a digital marketing method in which advertisers pay a fee every time someone clicks on their ad. It's a targeted and cost-effective approach that enables businesses to promote their ads on search engines, websites, and social media platforms. Advertisers bid on specific keywords relevant to their target audience to reach their intended audience.

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Retarget audience with email marketing

Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that sends targeted and personalized messages to individuals via email. It is highly effective and cost-efficient for nurturing customer relationships, promoting products or services, and driving conversions.

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Reach Your Customer through Bulk SMS

Bulk SMS marketing is a powerful and direct marketing strategy that simultaneously sends a large volume of text messages to a targeted audience. It enables businesses to reach a wide range of customers instantly and effectively, as SMS messages have a high open and read rate. With bulk SMS marketing, companies can send promotional offers, event notifications, updates, reminders, and other important messages directly to their customers' mobile devices.

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Retina Soft Portfolio

Our Creative Works

We specialize in converting your vision about your Website into Reality. Here you can have a look at some of our web development work.

  • All Works
  • Software Development
  • Graphics Design
  • Wordpress Development
Retina Soft

Overall Experiences

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Retina Soft Special

What’s so Special About Retina Soft?

Our vertical solutions expertise allows your business to streamline workflow, and increase productivity. No matter the business, pure as has you covered with industry compliant solutions.

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Reliable Customer Support

Vertical solutions expertise allows your business.

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High-Quality Product

IT solutions expertise allows your business.

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Continuous Updatetion

IT solutions expertise allows your business.

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Affordable Price

IT solutions expertise allows your business.

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Retina Soft at A Glance

Our Achievement!

Here you can have a look at the overview of our clients, employees and achievements.

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Works Done

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